Cherry πŸ’

This Cherry is in my garden , and I love it πŸ’πŸ˜ Leave a comment if you love cherries πŸ˜πŸ’πŸ’

Banana Bread - vegan

No-Frills Banana Bread, vegan/gf, 99 cal per slice πŸ‘Œ Low sugar, soft and super filling quarantine bread!

I’m also very excited about this banana bread 🍌 I’ve already made it 3 times this week. The problem with my new obsession with small loaves is that I make it, we finish it the next day 😬 We eat it for breakfast but then also lunch is followed by a round of banana bread with nut/seed/granola butter for everyone for so-called “dessert” πŸ‘Œ I got to experiment though, I made it with flax, egg, oat, and wheat flour (all worked beautifully, you just gotta not overmix it or I shall cast some mean spell on YA). .
Pro-tip: This recipe will make a great template, you can go crazy with it, fold in nuts, fruit, chocolate or sprinkle any one of those things! .
- 1 flax egg (or regular egg beaten)
- 1 ripe banana mashed thoroughly (120 g)
- 2 tbsp maple syrup (42 g)
- 1/2 cup almond flour (56 g)
- 1/2 cup flour, gf ok, I loved oat (60 g)
- 2 tsp (or more) cinnamon
- 1 tsp baking powder
- Pinch of salt
Makes 8 slices in a junior loaf pan:
- Preheat oven to 350F and grease your pan.
- Mix egg, banana, syrup.
- Whisk together almond flour, flour, cinnamon, baking powder, salt.
- Combine the two, folding, not overmixing.
- Pour into pan, sprinkle cinnamon, bake 35-40 minutes.


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