Cherry πŸ’

This Cherry is in my garden , and I love it πŸ’πŸ˜ Leave a comment if you love cherries πŸ˜πŸ’πŸ’

Banana Cupcakes

Who else is a fan of Banana / Banana Cupcakes / Muffins? This dessert reminds me a lot of Mexico!

1 banana
100g butter butter
80g of common sugar
1 large egg but 2
150g leavening flour
Pinch of salt
Unite the @ lard with the sugar. Add the egg, the @ banana and the vanilla. Add the flour.
Put in muffins and take to the oven at 189 degrees 20/35 min until cooked.
Let cool (you can fill with caramel)
Making chocolate
100g semi bitter chocolate
100g milk cream
Heat the cream and add the chopped choco. Put it all together. To take to cold and to put in sleeve with peak. Make the decoration. Ready
If you do not like banana / plantain, do not put it and you can do it with vanilla, caramel ,  caramel candy, chocolate, red fruits, coconut ... there are endless options and flavors


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