Cherry πŸ’

This Cherry is in my garden , and I love it πŸ’πŸ˜ Leave a comment if you love cherries πŸ˜πŸ’πŸ’

Lemon Cake

Lemon cake! (Key lemon pie) ible incredible !!! Secrets of the ✔️base
✔️ Italian meringue

Mold 22
Base 1 package of vanilla cookies with 50g of melted butter
1 can of condensed milk (360g)
3 yolks
2 lemons (juice and a bit of zest)
A tablespoon of Casancrem
3 egg whites
220g common sugar


For the base, process the cookies and add the melted butter. Add in the mold and crush. Take cold for a little while.
While making the filling joining these 4 ingredients. Condensed milk yolks lemon and tablespoon Casancrem
Add on the cookies and take to oven 180 degrees until it is firm. (25 min approx depends on your oven)
Meringue: make a syrup by adding the sugar in a saucepan and cover with water. (The water is until the sugar is covered) Put the whites in the mixer.
Let it reach 118 degrees or a soft ball (which is when you add a tablespoon in cold water and a ball forms that you can grab)
Once the fire is out, allow a few more bubbles to drop.
Turn on the mixer and let the white foam. Add the syrup in the form of thread through the side of the mixer. Leave beating until the bowl cools
Let the cake cool in a refrigerator, remove from the mold and add the @ meringue. (The meringue made the same day that the cake is already cold)


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