Cherry πŸ’

This Cherry is in my garden , and I love it πŸ’πŸ˜ Leave a comment if you love cherries πŸ˜πŸ’πŸ’

Brownie Cupcake

BROWNIE CAKES: I bring you these brownie pancakes, ideal for your birthday πŸ˜‰ I made them in muffin jars 😊
I give you the recipe: πŸ”ΈINGREDIENTS: 170 g of butter ointment, 150 semi-bitter chocolate, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence, 125 g of 0000 flour, 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder, and 150 g of walnuts (optional).
PROCEDURE: Melt the chocolate with the butter in a double boiler or in the microwave and reserve. On the other hand, mix the eggs with the sugar, add the vanilla essence and the melted chocolate. Incorporate the flour with the baking powder. Place the mixture in muffin pirotines and then in the mold to take them to the oven. Take to oven 180 ° for 20 'approx. The brownie has to be a little damp inside.
 πŸ”Έ ITALIAN MERENGUE INGREDIENTS: 300 g of sugar, 5 egg whites and 75 ml of water. MMERENGUE PROCEDURE: in a pot mix the water with 250 g of sugar and boil to make a syrup at 118 ° (you will notice that it reaches 118 ° by placing a little syrup in a spoon and immerse it in ice water , with your fingers you will be able to form a ball with the syrup). Pour the syrup in the form of thread into the whites that you are going to foam with the remaining 50 gr of sugar. Whisk until the preparation cools. You will have a meringue that if you grab a fork it will not fall. πŸ”ΈARMADO: Place with a sweet pastry bag of milk on the cold brownie and then add the meringue in the form of spikes and decorate as you like 😊😍


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